SARC Members Welcome the New Accessible Saskatchewan Act

by Don Epp, SARC Facility Planner, May 29, 2024

Image Description:
The visual includes the text: May 26 to June 1. National AccessAbility Week 2024. Forward Together: Accessibility and Inclusion for all.
Text is followed by the photo of a smiling woman with her arms crossed.
The visual ends with the Canada Wordmark.

SARC Members have been leaders in improving the accessibility landscape throughout Saskatchewan for more than 5 decades. Each Member is committed to supporting people experiencing disability in their communities to live a life to their full potential. Identifying and removing barriers to accessibility and inclusion are what these community-based organizations (CBOs) do every day across the province.   

The announcement, on December 3, 2023, proclaiming the Accessible Saskatchewan Act, was welcomed by SARC Members. The new legislation marked a significant step toward creating an inclusive province. The provincial government will show the way and other sectors of the province will be included in the Act at a later date. The primary purpose of this legislation is to prevent and remove barriers faced by persons with disabilities. By doing so, the provincial government aims to build strong and accessible communities for everyone, which is a goal shared by SARC Members as well. 

Key features of the Accessible Saskatchewan Act include: 

  1. Accessibility Plans: The Act mandates the Government of Saskatchewan to develop an accessibility plan. This plan identifies, prevents, and removes barriers that people encounter when using government facilities, programs, and services. 
  2. Nothing About Us Without Us: The government adheres to the principle of “Nothing about us without us”. It actively seeks input from the people of Saskatchewan, especially persons with disabilities, to shape policies and initiatives.  
  3. Accessibility Advisory Committee: Established on March 1, 2024, the Accessibility Advisory Committee provides advice to the government on proposed accessibility standards. It also focuses on public awareness and education initiatives. We are very happy to have Bobbi Janzen, SARC’s Workforce Development Coordinator, serving on this committee. 

SARC Members are champions of inclusion and accessibility.  The removal of barriers to accessibility is part of what all CBOs strive to achieve. Dedicated SARC Members and their staff play a vital role in supporting people experiencing disability to live, work and thrive in their communities. SARC advocates for the Disability Service Sector through the Start with Hello website and job board as another avenue for raising awareness and promoting inclusion.  

Person Centred Planning is used by CBOs to support each person’s unique needs and goals. The plans and planning process echo “Nothing About Us Without Us”. Through these customized supports people are reaching their full potential. Together, SARC Members contribute significantly to making Saskatchewan a more accessible and inclusive place for all.  

The Accessible Saskatchewan Act and the unwavering commitment of SARC Members demonstrate that progress is being made toward a barrier-free future. Let’s continue working together to ensure that everyone can participate fully in our vibrant communities. To SARC Members, accessibility is not just a legal requirement, it is a fundamental human right. Let’s build a more inclusive Saskatchewan! 


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