The COMPASS Advantage – Quality Training At No Cost for Eligible Organizations

by Mindy Bonderoff, Facilitator of Education & Training, SARC 

Over the last three-and-a-half years, the COMPASS Training Package has provided SARC Regular and Associate Members, as well as Affiliate Members with CLSD funding, with quality foundational training opportunities for employees and board directors, at no cost to the organization.  

We know that each organization’s training needs are different and can change from year to year; the programs under COMPASS reflect that. Organizations can sign up employees and board directors for in-person, online, and virtual training programs covering a wide variety of topics throughout the year when needed!  

Did you know that there are 11 programs in the COMPASS Training Package?

Eligible organizations using COMPASS have experienced its impact: 

“The no-fee training has been significant for us in removing a big barrier to training. The accessibility of training through COMPASS (online) also makes both required and voluntary training initiatives much more seamless and easier to facilitate.” 

Has your organization taken advantage of COMPASS yet? 

It’s easier than ever to take advantage of COMPASS programs; all you need is your organization’s COMPASS code to enroll yourself or others on our new and easy-to-use website. If you don’t have this code, talk to your supervisor or executive director. Registering for any of the COMPASS programs is quick and easy, and you will receive an immediate discount (of no cost) by applying your COMPASS code.  

Completing the programs in the COMPASS Training Package helps employees and board directors to receive up-to-date training and to be more confident in their role, resulting in an increase in knowledge and skills, and supporting people to live their best lives.  

“This has been a HUGE boost for our organization.  Dollars are tight and being able to train new staff and retrain staff efficiently and effectively makes us a more desirable workplace.  It also eases our recruitment burdens.  Trained staff make our homes safe.” 

If you aren’t sure how to get started with COMPASS or want more information, please give us a call at 306-933-0616 or email us and we would be more than happy to guide you through this process. 


Please Note: The included information is for reference only, and SARC and its Members, their employers, officers, and Directors assume and accept no liability for any consequences arising from the use, non-use, accuracy, or legal compliance of any of the information, tools, or resources provided.

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