Stride Takes Off!

By Lori Morphy, SARC Trainer & Resource Developer  

Stride offers a unique ‘blended-learning’ format, which means there are both online and in-person components that appeal to a variety of learners and learning styles. There are options for reading and listening to content, videos, links to documents and resources, group discussions and activities, and the hands-on demonstration of learning.  

It’s engaging and full of information that Direct Support Professionals will need to support people experiencing disability, including person-centred practices, supporting choice and independence, understanding diversity, providing personal care with dignity and respect, health and safety, communication, and goal setting.

We recently spoke to Margaret, who after completing the Stride Train-the-Trainer, shared her experience with us: 

It was very easy to navigate, and I loved that we had the option to have various bits read out to us if we wanted. I prefer to read it myself, so it was nice that I could choose. The fact that the whole program is focused on teaching us all to be person-centred is great, and I think it will make a lot of people think twice before they do something for someone, or make a choice for them. We are very excited about having our Staff go through Stride. It will be a very beneficial addition to the rest of their COMPASS trainings. Stride will help ensure that Direct Support Professionals are trained to the highest degree, so that the people we support are supported in a caring and professional way. 

Did you know that everyone who completes Stride, including Trainers, will be granted 10 credit units from Saskatchewan Polytechnic towards the Disability Support Worker Certificate Program?  

If you’re interested in offering Stride at your organization, you will first need an in-house Stride Trainer. For more information on how to do this, please visit SARC Learning Central. 

Have you already taken Stride Train-the-Trainer? We’d love to hear what you think and how it will impact the work you do in your organization! 


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